Bryce Johnson, inclusive lead at Microsoft Devices and the brain behind the Xbox Adaptive Controller, revealed the design detail on Twitter. Microsoft has been making great strides when it comes to accessibility in gaming, and this latest hardware reveal shows that the company is dedicated to continuing its accessible approach into the next generation. Kaitlyn Jones – program manager working with the Xbox gaming accessibility team mentioned in the tweet above – explained more details about the design. Apparently, you’ll be able to feel “a distinct bump ‘pattern’ for each port type” on the console. Have you ever fumbled with your console, searching for the right place to put the HDMI cable or USB cable? These new plastic ridges and bumps should help make all that a little bit easier. Johnson notes it’s not a “complete solution”, but it’s certainly a step in the right direction and reinforces Microsoft’s philosophy of inclusivity. The Xbox Series X and Series S release on November 10, 2020, and the Xbox Series X will retail at £449/$499 with the Series S coming in cheaper at £249/$299.