Strings of the source code were posted to four different repositories on GitHub, and AMD took the threat seriously enough to issue DMCA takedown notices - and GitHub complied. According to Torrent Freak (via IGN), which spoke with the alleged hacker, the source code was “unexpectedly achieved from an unprotected computer/server through some exploits,” back in November. The individual told Torrent Freak the unencrypted package included code for Navi 10 and Navi 21 devices as well as the source code for Xbox Series X GPU Arden. AMD has since released a statement regarding the breach: At AMD, data security and the protection of our intellectual property are a priority. In December 2019, we were contacted by someone who claimed to have test files related to a subset of our current and future graphics products, some of which were recently posted online, but have since been taken down. While we are aware the perpetrator has additional files that have not been made public, we believe the stolen graphics IP is not core to the competitiveness or security of our graphics products. We are not aware of the perpetrator possessing any other AMD IP. We are working closely with law enforcement officials and other experts as a part of an ongoing criminal investigation.  You can read more details of the situation through Torrent Freak. Last week, Microsoft lifted the lid on the internal architecture of the Xbox Series X. Hit up that link to see how it compares to Xbox One X. Alternatively, you can also compare the specs between Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 at the link.