Wargaming’s World of Tanks is set to invade Steam in the near future. The free-to-play military hit is coming to Valve’s platform after more than ten years of only being available on its own launcher on PC. World of Tanks on Steam will also work cross-platform with the current version of World of Tanks, but you are unable to import your existing progress. This edition of the game is only available to people who set up new accounts, but apparently boasts all the same features that Wargaming’s existing version has. There’s no firm release date as of yet. “We’ve always wanted to make sure World of Tanks was available to everyone, so it’s a natural step that we welcome the Steam community to our family,” the title’s global publishing director Max Chuvalov said. “Soon, Steam users will be able to enjoy the hard-hitting battles only our game provides, and we really hope they enjoy them!” World of Tanks launched for PC back in 2010 and was only available first on its own launcher, then exclusively on the Wargaming.net Game Center as of November 2019. By 2020, the title had attracted more than 160 million players. The mobile version of the game – World of Tanks Blitz – launched on Steam back in 2016. This features more limited matches than the full version of Wargaming’s hit.