The indie game with an environmental mission, We Are the Caretakers arrived on Steam Early Access earlier this week. Revealed back in March, the game tasks players with protecting the Raun, a rhino-like species targeted by poachers. It’s a squad management game where you will enlist a team of protectors to defend endangered animals your world relies upon in strategic turn-based combat. After defeating foes in battle, the Conductor, leader of the Caretakers and protector of the land of Shadra, must decide the fate of poachers. You can choose to send them to judges, or try rehabilitation and recruitment. Decisions can benefit or harm the Conductor’s reputation among the people and their willingness to help. In the game, you will need to balance your reputation, funds, research, animals, and alliances. 10% of funds earned from each copy of the game sold will be donated to the Wildlife Conservation Network, starting with the Steam Early Access release. On Steam, the game is currently 20% off at $15.99. Come May 1, the game will run you $19.99. In development at Heart Shaped Games, it is also planned for release on Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One.