Nintendo Switch Online, the console’s multiplayer service, as well as the eShop digital store have largely been inaccessible for many over the past couple of hours. The outage appears to be worldwide. Nintendo of Europe confirmed that it’s aware of the problem and currently working on it. The tweet below was issued over two hours ago, but the problems could be felt by players since early this morning EU time, to varying degrees. The official service status website only has a message apologising for the outage, but doesn’t have any helpful updates as to progress made thus far, or how long the company expects services to be affected. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings — Nintendo of Europe (@NintendoEurope) March 17, 2020 Although Nintendo didn’t specify, the outage is likely a result of a surge in user activity now that more and more people are stuck home thanks to coronavirus-related curfews and such. This is what happened with Xbox Live over the weekend. It’s also the same witnessed by other services, such as Discord. We’ll update this story if the situation changes.