According to Ito, Kojima has contacted him about working on a horror-based game “he may be doing.” Speaking in a Comic-Con 2020 interview, Ito stated he is not currently working on a video game, but that could change should Kojima decide to make his horror game. “I do know director Kojima and we have been in a conversation that he may have a horror-based game that he may be doing, and so he has invited me to work on that, but there are no details on it yet,” said Ito, speaking through a translator (thanks, ComicBook.) At one time, Kojima was working on Silent Hills for Konami, and produced the experimental demo P.T. Ito was also developing concept art for the title. Since then, it seems creating a horror game has been on Kojima’s mind. Back in the spring, he said in an interview with BAFTA he would like to make a horror game so scary, you would “crap” your pants and that he already had “ideas in mind.” “I’m easily frightened myself, so I have confidence that I could create something more terrifying than perhaps others could,” said Kojima at the time. “I get frightened of things like darkness and imagine shadows of ghosts in the dark. Just like Hitchcock or Spielberg did. “I would like to make another horror game someday. Something that uses a revolutionary method to create terror, that doesn’t just make you pee your pants, but crap them. I already have ideas in mind.” Whether his next title is indeed a horror-based game remains to be seen.