Announced in March, Shadow Man Remastered is set for release in 2021. Today during the PC Gaming Show we were provided a look at the spoofed up version of the game originally released for PlayStation, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, and PC in 1999. It’s being remastered by Nightdive Studios, which is also working on the Blade Runner remaster. The studio is also responsible for the remasters of  System Shock: Enhanced Edition, Turok, Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, Blood, and Forsaken Remastered. You can expect the following features with the remaster:

4K widescreen display Dynamic shadow mapping Dynamic per-pixel lighting Antialiasing, and other post-process effects Higher density of particle effects Refined art, audio, and assets Refined gameplay experience Reintroduction of missing content cut from the original game Xbox, PS4, Controller Pro support HDR Rendering

Watch the trailer below.