Game preservationist Andrew Borman posted a ten-minute gameplay from THQ’s cancelled Avengers game. The project, which got axed in 2011, was in development for Xbox 360. Footage from this in-development build was recovered from a hard drive obtained by Obscure Gamers, itself a game preservation and archival community.

Right off the bat, we immediately see Thor, Hulk and Captain America through Iron Man’s first-person perspective. Much of the environment is unfinished, with blocky, texture-less objects everywhere. That said, the individual powers for some of the heroes look fairly fleshed out. The gameplay being shown is of the single-player, but the game was seemingly also aiming to have competitive multiplayer, at least judging by the main menu. In the campaign, the player is shown accompanied by three AI-controlled allies. It’s possible co-op was also part of the plan. Though it may not have the polish of Spider-Man or the production values of Square Enix’s upcoming Avengers, it does look like a serviceable action game. First-person may not have been the best perspective to go with, however.